Frequently asked questions

Find answers to our most common questions and get product pointers from our team of experts.

Using Expertli

What does Expertli run on? (eg. website, mobile, tablet)

How do I create a workspace?

How do I connect my tablet as a drawing device?

How do I create text?

How do I get a customer to follow me in the workspace?

How do I share the workspace with my customers?

How do I upload files?

How do I export my workspace?

How do I create a new blank section?

How do I delete a section?

How do I rename a section? 

How do I search for a workspace? 

How do I connect my Quickli Account (for Australian Mortgage Brokers)

Tech & Features

Are there any software requirements?

What mortgage aggregators does it work with? 

I’m not very tech savvy, can I still use Expertli?

Expertli business

Why was Expertli created?

What's Expertli's mission?

What problem are you solving for us?

What does Expertli do?

Who owns Expertli?

What industries is Expertli for?

Cant find what you're looking for?

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