We are Expertli!

We thrive when we’re helping customers make great decisions from anywhere in the world. That’s the mission we live by.
Come follow along while we introduce the team and bring you up to speed with our story so far.

Where it all


The pandemic blew up the way we work, moving businesses online that are traditionally face-to-face. We know customers (people just like us) want support that’s only a few clicks away, but there’s still a big demand for human interactions when making high emotion and complex decisions. While many scrambled to find the right tools and channels to meet customer needs, one business decided to rethink it all.


When True Savings, an online mortgage broker and our very first customer launched in 2021 smack bang in the middle of Covid, they knew they needed a digital customer experience that would set them apart, but also provide real business efficiencies. And so, Expertli was born.


Over the next 12 months, we quietly evolved Expertli to support advisors from all walks of life. With business modules for mortgage brokers and accountants already live, we’re now exploring more ways we can make remote customer experiences effortless for all industries.

Get to know

With a background in FinTech, Founder and former Chief Digital Officer of CommBank Pete Steel, recognises the value of bringing human interactions and technology together. Seeing Expertli transform the way mortgage brokers interacted with borrowers inspired Pete and the team to help other businesses thrive in the new post-pandemic reality.

Pete’s passionate about reinventing how businesses connect with their digital customers, a legacy he’s carried with him throughout his career as a tech leader. Once responsible for rethinking Australia's #1 banking app, our visionary founder is now laser-focused on bringing tech innovations to businesses in as many industries around the world as possible.

Read an interview with Pete
“The work we do is an exciting opportunity to do good by making life easier for businesses and their customers, and we measure our success by how many people Expertli helps every single day.”

What we

Working together

For bigger, better outcomes.

Championing human interactions

There's power in people and tech.

Creating effortless experiences

That are even better than in-person

Meet the

We’re a business but at the end of the day, we’re people too. Born problem solvers and fearless visionaries, we’re proudly building digital experiences that we as customers would love to use time and time again.

Our team of innovation-loving techies and customer-obsessed product fanatics are genuinely excited to get out of bed and come do the best work of their lives, every single day.

Our team is remote when we need to be. But otherwise, you’ll find us at Expertli HQ located at:

17 Castlereagh St, Level 6, Sydney, New South Wales 2000, Australia

Join the team

Insights from Expertli

Don't take our word for it. Let our
customers do the talking.

“Interactive and comprehensive tool to drive discovery and provide instant, tangible value to the customer.”

Customer Service

“Makes it incredibly easy to understand what my customers are after and help them again and again.”

Senior mortgage broker

“This will make my life so much easier.”

Financial planner

“I loved the canvas tool.”

Home loan customer

“Really liked the interactive workbook and video chat.”

Home loan customer

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